
📆DAY 1


💠 Who am I?
💠Workshop Outline
💠USB Basics

🔰 Understanding BadUSB and Introduction to Ducky Script

💠Intro to BadUSB
💠How BadUSB works
💠Types of BadUSB/Vectors
💠Intro to DuckyScript

🔰Basic Powershell and it's applications

💠Intro to Powershell/LOLBINS
💠Powershell Scripting
💠Powershell and BadUSB the Relationship

🔰Prevention & Countermeasures

💠Physical Security
💠Software Solutions 
💠Zero Trust Model




📆DAY 2

🔰Advanced Powershell Functionality

💠Example Functions / Foundation 
💠Obfuscation Techniques
💠Code Golfing

🔰Payloads in Action


🔰Advanced Ducky Script

💠Payload Control

🔰OMG Devices/ Adv Functionality

💠Jitter/Appear Human 
💠HIDX Exfil 
💠C2 Capabilities
💠REV Shell




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